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Lamothe, Daphne, "Review: Black Feminist Cultural Criticism by Jacqueline Bobo: Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics by bell hooks: Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks" (2005). Africana Studies: Faculty Publications, Smith College, Northampton, MA. _facpubs/6
Within that large framework, hooks takes each sub-category of the feminist platform and explains its progress toward the end goal. Each of the sub-categories must succeed in order to reach the ultimate goal of an equal society for both genders. Issues such as racism and classism are elements that intersect very closely with feminism. The eradication of racist, classist and sexist thinking and behavior is essential in achieving the feminist agenda.
Author hooks also dedicates ample space to what feminism is not. It is not fighting to allow only a few privileged, upper-class women to succeed; rather, its struggles focuses on the betterment of all women and men. Feminism is not synonymous with lesbianism. Removing the negativity of the patriarchal system will provide a better life for gay and straight and man and woman.
For the future of feminism which has declined recently in popularity and public relevance, radical visionary feminism urges each woman to examine her own life to better understand her position within the framework of the patriarchal society. In its impending renewal, feminism must take strength from the great strides that women and men have towards gender equality. Feminism is for everybody.
The next issue of USAbroad aims to acknowledge and celebrate the importance and impact of bell hooks' transgressive interdisciplinarity, which challenges the boundaries of academic disciplines and those of the cultural marketplace to present a "feminism for everybody." We invite proposals that address the myriad themes of her intellectual output: from gender to sex and sexuality, from sexism to the construction of masculinity, from racism to the representation of blackness, from the house as a site of resistance to women's labor, from the university teaching to education in general.
Beginning with a broad survey of feminism's most important themes and concerns, bell hooks demystifies contentious concepts and turns apparent ideology into common sense. Providing a critical evaluation of the successes and failures of contemporary feminism, she looks at a wide variety of topics including reproductive rights, sexual violence, race, class and work. hooks encourages us to demand alternatives to patriarchal, racist and homophobic culture and thereby to seek out a different future.
bell hooks is a cultural critic, feminist theorist, and writer. Celebrated as one of our nation's leading public intellectual by The Atlantic Monthly, as well as one of Utne Reader's 100 Visionaries Who Could Change Your Life, she is a charismatic speaker who divides her time among teaching, writing, and lecturing around the world. Previously a professor in the English departments at Yale University and Oberlin College, hooks is now a Distinguished Professor of English at City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She is the author of more than seventeen books, including All About Love: New Visions; Remembered Rapture: The Writer at Work; Wounds of Passion: A Writing Life; Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood; Killing Rage: Ending Racism; Art on My Mind: Visual Politics; and Breaking Bread: Insurgent Black Intellectual Life. She lives in New York City. 1e1e36bf2d
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